The Silver Wings Foundation is a non-profit organization based in New York, dedicated to supporting the trans community. Founded by TWILO, the foundation's mission revolves around providing essential services and assistance to transgender individuals. The organization's multifaceted approach includes various initiatives, such as emergency housing aid, self-defense training, access to prep/hormone care, suicide prevention programs, and advocating for reform in Rikers Island correctional facility.
What We
The Silver Wings Foundation recognizes the unique challenges faced by the trans community and strives to create a safe and inclusive environment for its members. Emergency housing aid ensures that vulnerable transgender individuals have a place of shelter during difficult times. Additionally, the foundation offers self-defense training to empower individuals and enhance their safety in various situations.
Criminal Justice System
Furthermore, the foundation advocates for reform within the criminal justice system, with a specific focus on addressing issues related to Rikers Island. By working towards systemic change, the organization aims to improve the treatment and rights of transgender individuals within the corrections system.
Understanding the importance of access to medical care, the organization provides support for prep and hormone care, promoting overall well-being for trans individuals. To address the critical issue of mental health, the Silver Wings Foundation actively engages in suicide prevention initiatives, offering resources, support, and awareness programs.
Your Support
The Silver Wings Foundation relies on contributions from generous individuals and organizations to continue its vital work. Any support offered to the organization is instrumental in making a positive impact on the lives of countless transgender individuals. By contributing to the alliance, donors help promote equality, safety, and overall well-being for the trans community in New York and beyond.